Wild Henry

Wild Henry
Henry at BLM
Jenna did not grow up in a horsey family, but it was love from the first plastic palomino her grandpa gave to her. Jenna started training horses 12 years ago as a means to pay for her own. She has spent years working under other great trainers and now has her own clientele. In 2008 Jenna trained her first mustang and was a finalist at the Western States Mustang Challenge. Since then she has trained Mustangs for Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue and last year got the opportunity to teach her first clinic gentling mustangs at a BLM adoption. Last October Jenna founded Heart to Heart Equine Rescue with the help of Cheryl Zanini. Jenna is currently training horses and riders at Proud Horse Stables in Redlands, CA.

She is currently preparing "Henry Ford" for the Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover in Fort Worth, Texas August 13-14 2010.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Beautiful Disaster!

It's that time again. I must be a glutten for punishment because I have taken on not only the Norco Mustang Makeover, but I have also signed up for the Texas Makeover again!!! My Norco horse is at this time a beautiful disaster LOL He is by far the most work of all my makeover horses, but also my favorite. Yes I must be crazy! Our journey so far has been perplexing to say the least. He is sweet, kind, and he follows me around like a little puppy dog. He is a happy boy as long as I don't ask him to do anything he doesn't want to do, then the teeth and feet come flying AAAHHHH! He wears the saddle, bridle, ground drives, fense work is great, I can rub him all over with a plastic bag and he lounges nice with it hooked onto the saddle. Then get the same bag and put it in front of him on the end of a lounge whip and he violently rears and strikes. Yes I'd love to ride him.... like NEVER!!! Truth be told I would love to ride him, but I'm not sure that I would live to tell about it. I have actually sat on him no less than 30 times from the fense, but still holding on because when he blows it is mucho ugly.

Tornado has a difficult time with a moving human on his back or type of weight shift for that matter. I have been putting potato sacks in those plastic bags that he loves and tying one on each side of his body to simulate the weight shift with something questionable on his back at the same time. It has been quite the process. At times I have felt like I am trying to build a mountain with one grain of sand at a time. Not only is he figuring out there is nothing to fear, but that fighting is pointless and way too much work!

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Day One